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Strategic Communication/PR/Marketing
Pubic Relations Capstone
Our client for the semester was the organization Vote That Jawn. The goal of the organization was to first get 18-year-olds in Philadelphia to register to vote, and then get them to come out to vote in the mid-term elections of 2018.
During the semester we conducted much research on our audience. We creating trend reviews and mini PR plans for getting youth to register to vote and for getting them to come out and vote. We also created a cumulative final PR plan for Vote That Jawn.
Advanced Public Relations Writing
In this course, I practiced multiple types of public relations, communications, and journalism writing styles such as: press release, fact sheet, brochure, photo news release, media advisory, opinion piece, and news features.
For my final project, I was assigned the non-profit Ronald McDonald House of Philadelphia. As my "client" I interviewed the Director of Marketing of RMH and was to create a media kit for their annual Read For the House.
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